Banking automation
Sikelia Service is a provider of services under outsourcing for back-office processes and network management. It supports the banking sector needs with innovative software applications, including its proprietary solutions for ATM monitoring and cash management, Newton and Stash.
Document management
Sikelia Service provides a wide rage of document, payment processing and logistic services under outsourcing, for banks, individual professionals and professional orders.
Archiving solutions
Sikelia Service offers archiving services to banks, public and private health agencies and administrative bodies. Thanks to its highly qualified personnel, it operates adaptation interventions on existing archives, and it structures new ones accordingly to the latest national and international regulations and standards for archiving. The activities range from physical item processing and digitisation to digital document management, through the utilisation of the proprietary software solution Arkelia.
Energy & IT
Sikelia Service is also a renewable source energy producer, certified by GSE – Gestore dei Servizi Elettrici. The company primary experience in software development has led to the creation of Icaro and Windtower, two proprietary monitoring platforms for solar and wind energy production systems.