Sikelia Service
and are the well-known applications, born around 2006 and lasting till now, for ATM management, specifically for both technical issues, and cash availability.
Developed and maintained by Sikelia Service, independent service provider, they have grown year by year following principles like:
They provide a powerful tool to a helpdesk team for ATMs monitoring and to a cash manager for ATMs and Tellers cash management.
Detailed descriptions can be found below.
is a , an AI based application, able to work without supervision using its own Business Rules and learning new ones from its AI inferential system, based on the events fired by Newton and Stash, or whatever application you are using right now, that can be easily integrated.
What we did
in the
We kept our customers working as usual...
even better
All marketing activities were suspended while the pandemic lasted for at least two years. All investments were blocked, even if the importance of became clear to most organizations. As in other life-critical issues, our cash management customers above all experienced the power of managing cash flows among all cash-points, with full respect of social distances. So we provided them with the same top level support as ever, to enable them to ensure the same service levels to their customers.
Virtual manager for all monitoring activity. regarding technical faults and cash issues.
, supporting help-desk people in detecting faults and fixing them remotely.             
, for planning only cash transports strictly necessary for each cash point.
R & D
We dramatically
improved our
We are not going to tell you the common story of how we exploited two years of pandemic for improving our applications. Our development plan is always ready and full for the following years, meeting market needs and new technologies exploitation. So we have been keeping all our human resources with us, covering them with an additional health insurance.
We enhanced the experience part of the expected values for cash need of each cash point: a module incorporating AI techniques based on fast fourier transformations is able to for the following days, analyzing all the previous days with the same characteristics. On the side of technical ATM monitoring we fully improved the integration of application-detected faults with .
But, above all, we got what today’s monitoring departments require in terms of proactivity, time of resolution and the difficulty of setting up a technical staff, often distributed in different timezones. Roy was born to autonomously collect all events from its sub-systems, should they be either Newton and Stash, or any other system to be integrated.
Company strategies
We are ready to talk to our usual customer, that is a Bank, the direct user of our solutions, our main customer being a big consortium of sixty Italian Banks.
But we are also looking for resellers or commercial companies somehow related to Fintech, or service providers having Banks among their own customers’ portfolio and are interested to drive or use our solutions in their own market.
Of course you already have got your own systems, but maybe it does not fit exactly to your needs: new ATMs in your fleet; changing in your organization; and so on.
Do you want to enlarge your offer with such an added value service for a customer willing to try something different?
Service providers
Nobody knows your customer better than you. You know if they are ready to set up a project for changing their current way to perform monitoring.
Copyright © 2024 Sikelia Service S.p.A. - Tutti i diritti riservati | C.F. (Iscrizione CCIAA di CATANIA) 00972350896 | P. IVA 03161890870 | REA: 200507